







Epoxy floor paint industry faces the broader, so need the employees also is more, it also determines the floor industry practitioners of low technical quality, safety awareness is weak, lack of industry standards knowledge etc, during the construction of a floor paint also exist many safe hidden trouble.
Common safety problems mainly include:
1, get an electric shock. Epoxy floor paint construction often need to use electricity, such as the scene lighting, base treatment, such as the cross also often need more work to the construction site construction, get an electric shock the incidence rate of 20%.
2, a fire. Floor paint, mostly in the form of flammable chemicals, so be careful when it is applied in storage and processing.
3, poisoning. Toluene, xylene, ethyl acetate and so on are all floor that is commonly used in coating adhesive, they are volatile poisonous gases. Breathing the gas for a long time can make a person feel nausea, vomiting, serious still can have life risk.
4, mechanical damage. At the time of coating floor often need to use the machine, polishing machine, cutting machine, such as, for example, be familiar with its operation mode before use.



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